2014年7月2日 星期三

有福的人----------------------Blessed are those who


有一天他和他的父母都要為教會的事情在忙,所以三個人必須要分開在三個地方.結果這孩子因為不懂而做錯了一些事情,結果卻遭來了一位年長者公開地大聲責備,這時候這小孩子心裡很難過。父母又不在身邊,不知道有誰可以來安慰他。他的父母也不知道這件事。於是在這小孩子被駡的時候,又有一位更年長的人,來替這小孩子說話。並且勸那位責備人的人不要這樣對待這小孩子。不管那位責備人的人接不接受別人的勸告,那是他與 神之間的事情。至少對這小孩子而言,他心中深受感動,他心中明白這是 神派天使來幫助他的。

聖經阿摩司書 第八章  11 主耶和華說:“日子將到,我必命饑荒降在地上。人飢餓非因無餅,乾渴非因無水,乃因不聽耶和華的話。

Blessed are those who
I met a child, this child is very simple, and very kind. Usually the parents will follow you around.
One day he and his parents have busy things for the church, so three people must be separated in three places. Because the results of these kids do not understand and some things wrong, but was the result came an elderly loudly rebuked openly, that this child felt very sad time. Parents not around, I do not know who can to comfort him. His parents did not know about it. So in this child being scolded, and another older man, to back this child to speak. And to persuade people who do not blame people treat this child. No matter who blame the person who would be acceptable to other people's advice, that is a matter between him and God. At least this child, he touched the hearts of his mind understand that this is God sent an angel to help him.

Whether a person is blessed, not that he has a great creature comforts. Instead he met with comfort in mind. People living in the world, will inevitably encounter difficulties, if we may be able to solve small problems, big problems if it is too difficult or time, are keen to lend a hand to help someone this time. This child he encountered this dilemma, for him, this time to give him food, cash, toys, can not solve his problems. At this point he needs to love someone is willing to pay to comfort him, speak for him, make him feel to be released. This child when needed comfort, he is really a blessed person. This is a money can not buy. Even now people are very rich, we can not buy the angels to help him. This child does not need to spend money, there is an angel to help him, it is a blessed man.

