2014年7月6日 星期日

情緒的出口------------Emotional outlet




Emotional outlet
In the universe, there have input output. Human, too, have to eat there excretion.
Sometimes bad things to eat, but also diarrhea. And diarrhea are urgent, it must be discharged.
People's emotions is the same, and sometimes in a bad mood, you can through sports, music, prayer,
, Read the Bible, to troubleshoot the mood garbage. Sometimes we hear the words of slander others, felt very sad, it is looking for someone to talk to, talk like; just like to eat bad things, stomach upset, it is looking for the toilet to defecate, drained enough.

So sometimes we need other people's emotions when the trash, and even emotional toilet,

You can let the other garbage dumpster where there is, this is a comforting thing. I also have emotional garbage day when I can temporarily put you there, just like the Bible said to each other and pray for each other and play a burden.

