2014年6月3日 星期二

信心的操練--Practice of faith


一.               等候:創四十14 但你得好處的時候,求你記念我,施恩與我,在法老面前提說我,救我出這監牢。這是約瑟替酒政解夢後對酒政所說的話.假使約瑟因酒政的幫助,真的出獄了,那約瑟只能得到自由而己,但是因為二年的等候,使約瑟一下子從犯人變宰相,而這二年的等候就是信心的操練,在他被放出來之前他在監牢裏面,絕對不知道他何時可以放出來,只有遙遙無期的等候.人生的過程中很多事情都是要經過等候才是美好的.而這等候的過程需要有行動的配合,才能使這等候的信心不致失落.例如:女人懷胎十個月才生出來嬰兒,這十個月就是等候,若不能等候,七、八個月就生出來的嬰兒就不健康,而懷孕的過程需要時常補充營養讓母子都能健康成長,農夫插秧,也是耐心等待地裏寶貴的出產,在等候的過程中,也是施肥,除草,澆水。所以我們在等候神的旨意時,需要用神的話當作糧食不斷的補充靈命.約翰福音 35 耶穌說:“我就是生命的糧,到我這裡來的,必定不餓;信我的,永遠不渴。在等候的過程,不是空等,而是要多讀聖經,多看神的話語,藉著神的話語來了解神的旨意如何,當答案還沒出現的時候,我們所要做的,就是給我們的心靈澆水,除草,施肥.詩篇 二十七14 要等候耶和華!當壯膽,堅固你的心。我再說,要等候耶和華!詩篇 三十三20 我們的心向來等候耶和華,他是我們的幫助,我們的盾牌。
二.               意外的患難或病痛:人在病痛患難中,信心難免會影響,這時候要先反省、禱告祈求原因,有時我們不明白為什麼患難會臨到我們身上,求神指示,當我們遇到患難時我們除了自己反省以外,也希望弟兄姊妹們愛心的代禱,不會希望得到別人的指責,也不會希望有判斷者出現,同樣的當別人有患難時,我們應該做他的信心扶持者,幫他代禱,不要做他的判斷者,有時遭受患難,不一定是誰對誰錯的問題.像 約翰福音 第九章  1 耶穌過去的時候,看見一個人生來是瞎眼的。(2)門徒問耶穌說:“拉比,這人生來是瞎眼的,是誰犯了罪?是這人呢?是他父母呢?”(3)耶穌回答說:“也不是這人犯了罪,也不是他父母犯了罪,是要在他身上顯出神的作為來。
像約瑟的一生在17歲被賣到埃及當奴隸,後來又到波提乏的家中當總管,之後被他的主母陷害,下到監牢做犯人,最後又做了埃及的宰相,在他的一生,經歷過人生的黑暗低潮時期,也來到他人生最高峰的地位,最後他說了一句話-創世記 五十 20 從前你們的意思是要害我,但神的意思原是好的,要保全許多人的性命,成就今日的光景。另外一個義人約伯,被神稱為完全正直,敬畏神、遠離惡事。如此優秀的人,也經歷了非一般人可以承受的試煉,一天之內失去了十個兒女,喪失了所有家產,最後通過考驗成為精金,他說了一句話-約伯記 四十二 5 我從前風聞有你,現在親眼看見你。約瑟及約伯經歷信仰的考驗後,都稱頌神的偉大,信仰的操練變是如此,當我們本身通過信仰的操練後,要記得回過頭來堅固你的弟兄 哥林多後書   4 我們在一切患難中,他就安慰我們,叫我們能用神所賜的安慰,去安慰那遭各樣患難的人。
三.               自然界的阻擋:聖經上記載很多憑著信心,並且付出行動而改變了自然界的現象(約書亞記第三章  14 百姓離開帳棚,要過約旦河的時候,抬約櫃的祭司乃在百姓的前頭。(15) 他們到了約旦河,腳一入水(原來約旦河水在收割的日子漲過兩岸),(16) 那從上往下流的水,便在極遠之地、撒拉但旁的亞當城那裡停住,立起成壘;那往亞拉巴的海,就是鹽海下流的水全然斷絕。於是百姓在耶利哥的對面過去了。(17) 抬耶和華約櫃的祭司在約旦河中的乾地上站定,以色列眾人都從乾地上過去,直到國民盡都過了約旦河。)約書亞帶領百姓過約旦河,當有信心腳一踏入約但河水時,河水才分開,我們是否有如此的信心踏出第一步。 約書亞記 第十章  12 當耶和華將亞摩利人交付以色列人的日子,約書亞就禱告耶和華,在以色列人眼前說:“日頭啊,你要停在基遍;月亮啊,你要止在亞雅崙谷。(13) 於是日頭停留,月亮止住,直等國民向敵人報仇。這事豈不是寫在雅煞珥書上嗎?日頭在天當中停住,不急速下落,約有一日之久。(14) 在這日以前,這日以後,耶和華聽人的禱告,沒有像這日的,是因耶和華為以色列爭戰。

四.               結論:期盼我們的信心,經歷了世事的操練能一天一天的長大,當我們遇到事情時說“沒關係啦,要有信心啦”的同時,我們是否有真正付出行動跪下來禱告呢. 雅各書 第二章  17 這樣,信心若沒有行為就是死的。(18) 必有人說:“你有信心,我有行為;你將你沒有行為的信心指給我看,我便藉著我的行為,將我的信心指給你看。”所以若能配合實際禱告的行為以及實際愛心付出的行動,相信即使神沒有成全我們的禱告,也深深相信神必有更美好的安排,如主耶穌在客西馬尼園的禱告 馬太福音 第二十六章  38 便對他們說:“我心裡甚是憂傷,幾乎要死;你們在這裡等候,和我一同警醒。”(39)他就稍往前走,俯伏在地禱告說:“我父啊,倘若可行,求你叫這杯離開我;然而,不要照我的意思,只要照你的意思。

Preface : Everyone 's confidence as a seedling through sunshine , rain , fertilization , pruning , and slowly grow into a tree , and finally grow into a tree , which can bear fruit trees , and tree seedlings to grow from trees process , but also have the experience of the storm , the sun also experienced very strong when it experienced when the cold snow, also experienced good weather , no matter how experienced these good or bad environment environment have made it pieces of the tree is more robust , deeper roots ; same tree, tree of faith in our hearts , but also to experience things in practice have grown , and finally into the mature stage , the following points are made ​​about the confidence of the younger encounter drills as we encourage each other .

One . Waiting : Genesis forty 14 but when you get the benefits , I pray thee , and be gracious to me, that I put in front of Pharaoh , and bring me out of this house . This is after Joseph help butler interpretation, on the butler said. If Joseph because of the help of the butler , really out of prison , that Joseph had only been freedom , but because waiting for two years, so that all of a sudden becomes prime minister Joseph from prisoners , and this is the faith of waiting two years practice , before he was put out in his prison inside, absolutely do not know when he can put out , only to wait for the foreseeable future . Process of life , many things are waiting to go through is good. This process requires a waiting concerted action in order to make confident that this will not be lost waiting . For example : a woman conceive a baby born just ten months , which is waiting for months , if not wait , seven , eight months out of the baby is not born healthy , but the process often requires nutritional supplements pregnant mother can make healthy growth farmer planting, but also patiently waiting for the precious fruit , waiting for the process, but also fertilizing, weeding, watering. So when we wait for God's will need to use the words of God as spiritual food supplement ever . John 6:35 Jesus said: " I ​​am the bread of life , come to me shall never hunger ; believeth in me shall never thirst in the waiting process, not waited in vain , but to read the Bible and see more . Word of God, through the Word of God to understand how God's will , whenever the answer has not appeared, we have to do , is to give our hearts watering, weeding , fertilizing . Psalm 17:14 wait on the Lord ! good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart , I say , to wait for the Lord ! Psalm thirty-three 20 our soul waiteth for the Lord , he is our help and our shield.

Two . Unexpected adversity or illness : people in pain tribulation, will inevitably affect the confidence , this time first reflection, prayer and supplication reason, sometimes we do not understand why the trouble will come upon us , that God would indicate that when we encounter adversity we in addition to his own reflection, but also hope that the love of brothers and sisters to pray , others will not want to get blamed , it will not want to have to judge those who appear the same when others have trouble , we should do his confidence to support those who help his intercession , do not do his judgment , sometimes suffer adversity , not necessarily a right or wrong issue. Like John Chapter IX , Section 1 Jesus passed by, he saw a man blind from birth. ( 2 ) The disciples asked him, saying : "Rabbi , that man is born blind, who sinned, this man or his parents do ? ? ? " (3 ) Jesus answered: " Neither did this man sin , nor his parents sinned , is to show God's in him .
Joseph 's life like in 17 years was sold into slavery in Egypt , and later went to the house of Potiphar when mains, after being framed his mistress , down to the jail inmates to do , and finally made ​​the prime minister of Egypt, in his life, experienced the dark ebb period of life , also came to the peak of his position in life , and finally he made a remark - Genesis fifty 20 you intended to harm me , but God meant it for good , to preserve the lives of many people , is today 's circumstances. Another righteous Job , God called blameless and upright , fearing God and turning away from evil . So good people , also experienced a non-ordinary people can afford the trial , ten a day of lost children, lost all possessions, finally passed the test to become pure gold , he said a word - Job forty-two 5 My ears had heard of you but now my eyes see you . Job experience after Joseph and the test of faith are blessed God 's great faith practice change is so that when our own faith through practice , remember to come back to strengthen your brothers Corinthians a 4 us in all our troubles , he would comfort us , so that we can comfort God has given to comfort those who suffer affliction .

Three . Natural barrier : a lot of faith on the Bible , and pay actions changed the nature of the phenomenon ( Joshua Chapter III, section 14 So it  was,when the people set out from their camp to cross over the Jordan ,with the priests bearing the ark of the covenant before the people. ( 15 ) and as those who bore the ark came to the Jordan ,and the feet of the priests who bore the ark dipped in the edge of the edge of the water (for the Jordan overflows all its banks during the whole time of harvest , ( 16 ) that the  waters which came down from upstream stood  still,and rose in a heap very far away at Adam,the city that is beside Zaretan .So the waters that went down into the Sea of the Arabah,the Salt Sea,failed,and were cut off;and the people crossed over  opposite Jericho ( 17 ) Then the priests  who bore the ark of  the covenant of the LORD stood firm on dry ground in the midst of the Jordan; and all Israel crossed over on dry ground,until all the people had crossed completely over the Jordan. ) Joshua led the people over Jordan , when there is a foot into confidence about , but when the river , the river was separated , Do we have such confidence to take the first step. Joshua Chapter 12 tenth day when the LORD delivered up the Amorites Israel, and Joshua to the LORD , in the eyes of Israel , said: " The sun ah , you have to stop at Gibeon ; moon , ah, you have to stop the sun stood still in the valley of Aijalon . ( 13 ) , and the moon stayed , until the people to avenge the enemy , which would they not written in the book of Jasher it? sun stopped in the midst of heaven , not quick drop , about 31 years. ( 14 ) before this date , or after it, listen to the prayer of the Lord , not like this day , because the LORD fought for Israel .

In the eyes of these miracles are impossible, but with the confidence in Joshua 's prayer thing has become. Changes in the nature and operation of the people can not control , only to God , may God have mercy mercy help, miracles have occurred over the past ancient believers , in today's era is now also will come to happen. Like 6 / 29 Dedication ceremony a week ago because of the relationship between Typhoon Fengshen has been raining the day before the Sabbath on Saturday, has also been under , thanks to God because there is a group of brothers and sisters who love the Lord to pray for the weather that day , God hears results , the weather forecast is sunny with completely different . 7 / 19 to 7/21 Camp life outside preaching work, but also encountered a typhoon Kalmaegi , a lot of people called in to ask is not to be closed , but many people continue to pray for this activity , and even tears, as is to make the activities can be carried out smoothly, so that the Gospel can be widely spread out , so if you have not experienced Typhoon Fengshen not feel 6/29 Dedication ceremony sunny day is a miracle , if not experienced Typhoon Kalmaegi , will not feel the 7/ 19 to 7/21 sunny day camp life is a miracle , if you do not pray for these two things , you will not feel the sunny days is a miracle , if you're like most people , like that has been inaccurate weather reports .
Four . Conclusion : expect our faith , through the drilling of things can grow up day by day , when we encounter things that say "Never mind you, have confidence in it ", but do we have to pay real action knelt praying . James Chapter 2, Section 17, so faith without works is dead. ( 18 ) Some people will say : "You have faith and I have works ; thy faith without works pointed out to me , and I by my works will show you my faith to see ." So if fit the actual act of prayer and pay the actual action of love , I believe that even if God does not fulfill our prayers , but also deeply believe that God must be a better arrangement , as Jesus prayed in Gethsemane Matthew 's twenty-sixth , Section 38, he said to them : "My soul is exceeding sorrowful , even to death ; Stay here , and watch with me ." ( 39 ) he went a little farther , and fell to the ground and prayed, saying : " My Father ah If it is possible , let this cup pass from me ; nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt . "
The practice is fully confident obedience to God , obedience to God's will to pray conclusion is not according to our personal meaning is not important .

