「小兵立大功」,這大概是珊迦所給人的印象;因聖經只用很短的篇幅介紹他,讓人覺得他很渺少,毫不起眼。可是他拯救以色列同胞之舉卻是不能抹煞的事實。藉著一根不值錢的趕牛棍,卻成就了一件大事。趕牛棍雖不是價值連城的千古兵器,但仍算是一種「工具」;工具卻因人而異,在熟練者手中,往往發揮了事半功倍的威力。試看珊迦不是以棍子打死六百個非利士人嗎?所以,不要看輕你自己手中所擁有的工具,即使那工具瞧起來真的很不起眼,因為一個人的偉大,就在於平凡中猶能善盡恩賜。我們雖很微小,卑微無用,卻都是神手中的工作,為要叫我們行善。(以弗所書二10 我們原是他的工作,在基督耶穌裡造成的,為要叫我們行善,就是神所預備叫我們行的)。所以,不可自卑,要好好運用神所賜的恩賜。哥林多後書八12 因為人若有願做的心,必蒙悅納,乃是照他所有的,並不是照他所無的。不管我們是領五千的或是領二千的,只要是認真去做,神給這兩種人的評價都是一樣的。都是稱讚他們是又良善又忠心的僕人,如果將神給我們的恩賜,像領一千的一樣深藏起來,像守財奴一樣不去用他,以為只要不減少就好了,可是最後卻是得到神的忿怒。 我們不要輕看自己所擁有的才能,也不要輕看自己所做的聖工,比如:被安排樓下接待的,不要認為只是排排車輛,顧好車子就好了,其實在樓下看到弟兄姐妹來的時候可以很熱誠的打招呼,讓人一進到教會就有好心情不是很好嗎?有時候有第一次來鳳山教會的慕道者或外地同靈,樓下接待人員往往是給人的第一印像,像創世紀十八章1~2亞伯拉罕的態度就值得我們學習-舉目觀看...,一見就從帳棚門口跑去迎接他們...,因為他的態度真誠,而接待了真神及天使.所以有時因為我們的熱情的招呼及接待,也許因此不知不覺的接待了真神及天使,所以不要輕看交在我們手中的聖工。工具的意義與價值如何,端視使用者是否懂得善用,我們都是神手中的工具(器皿),神就是使用者,因此成敗的絶對關鍵當然在於神了。好的工具加上好的工匠,工作的進行必是輕而易舉的。但願我們都能自持自重,好好訓練自己成為神「合用的器皿」(提摩太後書二21)人若自潔,脫離卑賤的事,就必作貴重的器皿,成為聖潔,合乎主用,預備行各樣的善事。也求主讓我們都明白自己手中有何物(恩賜),以免辜負主的託付。
使你們無可指摘,誠實無偽,在這彎曲悖謬的世代,作神無瑕疵的兒女。你們顯在這世代中,好像明光照耀,二16 將生命的道表明出來,叫我在基督的日子好誇我沒有空跑,也沒有徒勞。(箴言十四12)有一條路人以為正,至終成為死亡之路。在現今的世代,各人走在人自以為對的「小路」。 難怪聖經(耶利米書六16)教導我們當站在路上察看,訪問「古道」,知道何為善道,便行在其間。神兒女的團體(教會)若偏離了正道,只體貼人意,步上自己新闢的小徑,則真神必漸漸遠離,榮耀,能力也將逐漸消逝。 在前述的背景下,選民中有形的聯繫不見了,似乎一切制度,組織都停頓,失去了它活潑的生命力;也沒有人負責官長的職任,本該居高位的人(有能力,有恩賜者)不盡職,不做工,不關心,任憑聖工荒廢...
既然是神所賜的,難道神賜給我們這些名利地位是要我們享受世間的榮華富貴嗎?(以斯帖記四13~14)末底改對以斯帖說的一段話值得我們每一個人來思考。13節 末底改託人回覆以斯帖說:“你莫想在王宮裡強過一切猶大人,得免這禍。 14節
此時你若閉口不言,猶大人必從別處得解脫、蒙拯救;你和你父家必至滅亡。焉知你得了王后的位分,不是為現今的機會嗎?”今天教會的工作你不做,神會興起別人來完成,至於我們推辭的工作,神會問我們同樣一句話“焉知你得了如此社會地位,不是為現今的機會嗎?” 憶起摩西曾因過份推辭,結果亞倫成摩西的口之典故(出埃及記四13~16)担任祭司的聖職就落在亞倫和他兒子身上,摩西的兒子就無法担任此聖職13節 摩西說:“主啊,你願意打發誰,就打發誰去吧!”
14節 耶和華向摩西發怒說:“不是有你的哥哥利未人亞倫嗎?我知道他是能言的,現在他出來迎接你,他一見你,心裡就歡喜。 15節 你要將當說的話傳給他;我也要賜你和他口才,又要指教你們所當行的事。
16節 他要替你對百姓說話;你要以他當作口,他要以你當作神。
每個人的恩賜不同,因此不必羨慕別人,也不必模仿別人,更不必自卑(哥林多前書十二4~11;弗四11~16);每個人各盡其職,在愛中建立基督的身體(以弗所書四12,16)。不要只看到自己的沒有的地方,要看自己的所擁有有的,即使只有領一千的恩賜,也可以好好善用,要緊的是認清自己有什麼,沒有什麼,不卑不亢,盡力去做然後交給主,正如-撒迦利亞書四6 他對我說:“這是耶和華指示所羅巴伯的。萬軍之耶和華說:‘不是倚靠勢力,不是倚靠才能,乃是倚靠我的靈方能成事。’
Anath - Israel's cattle stick
Scripture: Judges III 31, after Ehud, there Anah the son of Anath, and he sticks with cattle killed six hundred Philistines. He also delivered Israel. Judges 6-7 in five Anah the son of Anath, when, and in the days of Jael, the highways were unoccupied travelers walked through byways. The Israeli rulers suspended until I Deborah arose, that I arose a mother in Israel.
Identity: Anah son
Tools: cattle stick
Merit: killed six hundred Philistines, and also delivered Israel
"NCTU" This is probably the Anath that gives the impression; because the Bible only a very short length on him, people think he is very vague little humble. But he cited the Israeli rescue compatriots but they could not deny the fact. Through a worthless cattle stick, but the achievements of an event. Although it is priceless cattle stick weapons through the ages, but still regarded as a "tool"; tool but vary in Skilled hands, often play a multiplier of power. Look Anath not to stick killed six hundred Philistines? So, do not underestimate your own hands have tools, even if that tool look up really humble, because a person's greatness lies in the ordinary Jew can fulfill the gift. Although we are very small, humble useless, they are all in the hands of God's work, to do good works. (Ephesians 2:10 we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto for to do good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk). Therefore, non-inferiority, to make good use of God-given gift. II Corinthians 8:12 For if the heart is willing to do, will be accepted, but according to his all, and not according to that he hath not. Whether we are led five thousand or two talents, as long as careful to do, God gave these two people are the same evaluation. They all praised the good and faithful servant, if God gave us the gift of a thousand as deep as the collar up, like a miser as not to use him, that they do not reduce the fine, but the last but it was the wrath of God. We do not despise what they have to, and do not despise your own doing holy work, such as: being arranged downstairs reception, do not think just a row of vehicles, car care good enough, in fact, be seen in the downstairs brothers and sisters to be very enthusiastic when greeting people into the church there is a good mood is not very good?
Sometimes it is the first time Fengshan Church with spiritual seekers or foreign, downstairs reception staff often gives the first impression, like the eighth chapter of Genesis 1 and 2 Abraham's attitude worthy of our study - Everywhere watch. . . , Saw he ran from the tent door to meet them. . . Because of his sincere attitude, and received the true God and the angels. So sometimes because our warm greeting and hospitality, perhaps unknowingly received and therefore the true God and the angels, so do not despise our hands in the holy work. How the meaning and value of tools, depending on whether the user know how to good use, we are all in the hands of God's tools (utensils), God is the user, it is absolutely key to success, of course, lies in God. Good tools plus a good craftsman, will conduct the work is easy. Hopefully we can self-sustaining weight, good training to become God, "the combination of the vessels" (2 Timothy 2:21) If a man cleanses himself from, he will be a vessel for honor, sanctified, meet for the master to use, ready for every good work. Lord, let us also understand what matter into their own hands (gift), so as not to disappoint the Lord entrusted.
(Judges 5:6 ~ 7) Avenue unmanned travelers walked through byways; This is an enemy rule over reason. They can not walk the walk the same road as the previous past, only around the road. Avenue, is the people of God the journey that God directs the right path (ie the word of God, God's truth) (Isaiah forty-nine 11 I will make all my mountains a way; my highways revised higher) Alas Anath era astray, into the darkness of the lost. "Detour", into the darkness of the lost.
"Detour" in today is indeed a crooked and depraved generation, each own way. Philipians two 15 make you blameless and harmless, without rebuke, in a crooked and perverse generation, children of God without fault. Significant in this generation you shine like stars, two 16 out the word of life, that I may rejoice in the day of Christ I did not run or labor for nothing. (Proverbs 14:12) There is a way that, to the final to become death. In today's generation, who thought everyone walking in on a "path." No wonder the Bible (Jeremiah 6:16) teaches us that when standing in the way and see, "trail" to know what is the good way, and walk therein. Groups the children of God (the church) if deviated from the right path, but the things of man, walking trails shed on their own, then will gradually away from the true God, glory and strength will gradually fade away. In the foregoing context, voters physical contact was gone, everything seems system, organizations are stalled, lost its vitality and lively; do not post any responsible rulers, the high-ranking people that (have the ability, Bestower) does due diligence, do not work, do not care, despite the ministry abandoned. . .
In fact, there is a high social status in the church with the spirit of a lot, and brought the same spirit also many paid with a gift to the world with the spirit of a lot. But is willing to wholeheartedly devote time, effort in the church it is a minority, to himself as a passer, church activities and affairs of the church is often the last. Sometimes we have today really forget these social status; these paid; these can it not God-given right?
Since it is a gift of God, is God has given us is for us to enjoy the fame and status of the world's wealth and status do? (Esther 4:13 ~ 14) for Esther Mordecai said passage is worth every one of us to think. 13 Trustee Reply Esther Mordecai said: "Do not you think the king's house, more than all the Jews, get free this disaster 14 if you remain silent at this time, the Jews will arise from another relief, Mongolia. rescue; you and your father's house will perish knows whether you got the royal position, not for the opportunity to do today, "Today you do not do the work of the church, God will rise to others to complete, as we turned down the job, God will.? We asked the same sentence, "how can you know you've got so social status, not an opportunity for you today?" recalled Moses but had excessive decline, the result allusion to Moses' mouth of Aaron (Exodus 4:13 - 16) as falls priest priesthood of Aaron and his son, the son of Moses, you can not hold this priesthood 13 Moses said: "! Lord ah, are you willing to kill anyone, who go on to kill."
14 LORD was angry with Moses said: "Is there not your brother Aaron do not I know that he can speak well, and now he came out to greet you, he sees you, and my heart rejoiced 15 And thou shalt say?. words in his mouth; I have to give you and him eloquence, and will teach you what ye shall do.
16 he shall be thy spokesman unto the people; you should take him as a mouth, and he shall be to thee as God.
; Then look Anath era, because very few care about national affairs, and even those who can afford the rulers do not care, then, God chose the foolish things of the world, the weak, that that wise, strong shame (I Corinthians 1:27 - 28).
Anath is unknown, he did not Othniel wonderful family background, nor Ehud sharp sword, he was only a "cattle stick," but by God to defeat the enemy to save his fellow citizens.
Each person's gift, so do not envy others, do not imitate others, not to feel inferior (I Corinthians 12:4 - 11; Ephesians 4:11 - 16); every man to do his duty, to establish the love of Christ body (Ephesians four 12,16). Do not only see their own place, depending on their own have some, even if only received one gift, you can make the best use, what matters is to recognize what they have, nothing, reasonable manner, try to do Then to the Lord, just as - Zechariah 4:6 He said to me: "This is the Lord Zerubbabel, says the Lord of hosts: 'Not by might nor power, nor by power, but by My. Ling says the LORD Almighty. '
Christians should be able to save himself, but also to be able to save others (I Timothy 4:16), and good spiritual warfare victory; So Paul encourages us to do "strong man" (Ephesians 6:10) .
"Minister" in itself implies a force in the ministry of the process, it is better that we practice, we created, so we hesitate to invest more in the ranks of the holy ministry. In every corner, all walks of life, God has prepared for His troops, I ask whether we are ready to be dominated zealous!