螢火蟲劇團「水月」 療癒災民
螢火蟲劇團「水月」 療癒災民
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「這齣戲很療癒!」參與記錄口述歷史的水月製作人黃曉菁說,經過了幾十年,老人家還是難以忘懷當年恐懼。劇中的生離死別會讓人落淚,但是哭完了心靈被洗滌過,會更有勇氣面對漫長重建之路。 導演韓江表示,台灣近來天災不斷,災後除了面對家園重建,更重要的是心靈重建。人們面對困難與挫折最重要的就是要有信仰,而這個信仰不一定是宗教,他的信仰是已故的母親,每當遇到難題時,總會想到「如果是媽媽會怎麼做」。 韓江說,水月劇中結合小時候在麵攤看到牆上掛的觀音菩薩踩龍背畫像,當時媽媽告訴他,那是八七水災時,菩薩救人的畫面,他希望藉此找回台灣人在純樸年代心中的價值,看看自己心中的信仰。 韓江表示,此次結合和春技術學院傳播藝術系及小港國中合唱團合作,以歌仔調詞性搭配西洋管弦樂器,捨棄傳統美聲唱法,讓演唱和演戲同時進行。演出過程,將會出現水漫劇場,水在觀眾腳底流竄,讓觀眾感同身受。 螢火蟲劇團表示,製作人家也是高雄氣爆受災戶,因此劇團決定釋票,邀高雄市苓雅區及前鎮區的民眾,憑任何身分證明文件領票,共釋出300張票,現在還有50張,可電洽螢火蟲劇團(07)387-0884。
【2014/08/20 聯合報】@ http://udn.com/
Firefly Theatre "Moon Water" healing victims
United Daily News ╱ reporter Liang Yawen / Kaohsiung report]
2014.08.20 04:27 am
Firefly Theatre musical gifts of healing, "Moon Water," will debut later this month in Kaohsiung Wei Wu camp arts and cultural center.
Reporter Liang Yawen / Photography
Many Kaohsiung gas explosion victims, for the moment of panic left a lingering fear, Kaohsiung fireflies in the theater troupe, hoping to accompany Kaohsiung through the pain, release the musical "Moon Water" ticket to disaster victims, hoping to bring their healing force.
"Moon Water" after a year of field interviews, Allen 48 years to restore the Republic Taiwan typhoon, hit home, causing thousands of deaths on the plight of the missing, the victims mood written song after song, creating a musical .
"The play is very healing!" Involved in the recording of oral history elusive producer Huang Xiaojing said that after a few decades, the elderly or the haunting fear that year. The play of life to death will make people cry, but crying over the mind is washed, more courage to face a long road to reconstruction.
Director of Hanjiang, said Taiwan's recent natural disasters continue, post-disaster reconstruction in addition to the face of their homes, more important is the spiritual reconstruction. People are faced with difficulties and setbacks of the most important is to have faith, and this is not necessarily a religious faith, his faith is late mother, whenever encountered problems, always think, "If this is how my mother would do."
Hanjiang that elusive combination play in the noodle stand to see a kid hanging on the wall portrait of the Goddess of Mercy stepped wulongbei, when my mother told him that it was time 1987 flood, the Buddha to save the picture, he hopes to get back the hearts of the people of Taiwan in the value of simplicity's, take a look at faith in my mind.
Hanjiang, said the combination of Fortune Institute of Technology Department of Communication Arts and Kaohsiung junior choir cooperation to ketzai tune with Western orchestral parts of speech, abandoning the traditional bel canto, so singing and acting simultaneously. Performance process, there will be water diffuse theater, the audience feet of water flows, so that the audience empathy.
Firefly Theatre, said people also making Kaohsiung gas explosion affected households, and therefore decided to release theater tickets, invite Lingya District and the former township of Kaohsiung citizens, with no identity documents collar votes, a total release of 300 votes, and now there 50, can be electrically contact firefly Theatre (07) 387-0884.
[2014/08/20 United Daily News] @ http://udn.com/