2014年8月11日 星期一

羅賓威廉斯妻:失去最美好的人-----------Robin Williams' wife: lose the best people


美國警方今天表示,曾獲奧斯卡金像獎肯定的男星羅賓威廉斯(Robin Williams)今天疑因自殺陳屍北加州自宅,享壽63歲。妻子悲痛表示,世界失去最美好的人。
加州馬林郡(Marin County)法醫室表示,羅賓威廉斯疑似死於窒息式自殺,但死因仍在調查中。
羅賓威廉斯妻子施奈德(Susan Schneider)發表聲明說:「今天上午,我失去我的先生和摯友,世界同時也失去最受喜愛的藝術家和最美好的人。我已徹底心碎。」
羅賓威廉斯的媒體公關布克斯包姆(Mara Buxbaum)說,羅賓威廉斯近來深受重度憂鬱症所苦。
美國諧星史提夫馬丁(Steve Martin)推文說:「失去羅賓威廉斯讓我震驚不已,他是個好人、天才、演出夥伴,擁有真誠的靈魂。」
羅賓威廉斯憑藉喜劇影集Mork And Mindy大紅大紫,成為該世代最受喜愛的美國演員之一。
他隨後也帶來一連串膾炙人口的大銀幕作品,包含1987年的「早安,越南」(Good Morning Vietnam)、1989年的「春風化雨」(Dead Poets Society),更以1997年的「心靈捕手」(Good Will Hunting)奪下奧斯卡最佳男配角獎。

【2014/08/12 中央社】http://udn.com/

Robin Williams' wife: lose the best people 

[CNA ╱ Dow Jones reported on the 11th in Los Angeles] 
2014.08.12 10:40 am 

Robin Williams and his third wife Schneider (left). 
Police said today that the United States, won the Academy Award for affirmative actor Robin Williams (Robin Williams) today committed suicide allegedly because the morgue since Northern California home, enjoy life 63 years. Grieving wife said, the world has lost the best people. 
California Marin County (Marin County), said forensic room, Robin Williams died of suffocation type of suspected suicide, but the cause of death is still under investigation. 
Robin Williams' wife Schneider (Susan Schneider) said in a statement: "This morning, I lost my husband and best friend, the world also lost favorite artists and best people I have completely heartbreaking." 
Robin Williams' media relations Buchs Baum (Mara Buxbaum), said recently by Robin Williams suffering severe depression. 
By Robin Williams in the past suffering from substance addiction, July had also enter Minnesota rehab center for assistance. 
His spokesman said at the time, Robin Williams did not use drugs or alcohol, just after the long hours of work, to the center "to adjust their" keep the mood calm. 
Marin County Police Department, said local time before noon today received an emergency call saying a report, Robin Williams, north of San Francisco in the first Bloom (Tiburon) from the house, and not a conscious and breathing. 
American comedian 史提夫马丁 (Steve Martin) Tweets said: "Let me lose Robin Williams shocked, he is a good man, a genius, performance partner, has a sincere soul." 
With Robin Williams comedy series Mork And Mindy Rounds, became one of the most beloved American actor generations. 
He subsequently brought a series of popular big screen work, including 1987's "Good Morning, Vietnam" (Good Morning Vietnam), 1989 issue of the "Dead Poets Society" (Dead Poets Society), but also to 1997's "Good Will Hunting" (Good Will Hunting) won the Oscar for best supporting actor award. 

[2014/08/12 CNA] @ http://udn.com/ 

