聖經 傳道書 第九章 第11節 我又轉念,見日光之下,快跑的未必能贏;力戰的未必得勝;智慧的未必得糧食,明哲的未必得資財,靈巧的未必得喜悅;所臨到眾人的,是在乎當時的機會。
有時機會來到你面前,你不知道好好把握,以為還有更好的在後面,沒有及時把握而失去.在這當中,要祈求 神給我們智慧,知道如何去把握,也要感謝 神賜機會給我們,若是 神沒有賜機會,縱然你有通天的本事,也是沒有發揮的空間.
生活中自我的意見不要太強烈,要常常思考這樣做 神喜悅嗎?這麼做可以榮神益人嗎?常常能夠以主的心為心,常常修正,如此就不會產生強求,嫉妒, 的心理.因為你會凡事謝恩,凡事感謝,凡事相信,凡事依靠.
Ecclesiastes 9:11 I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all.
Our eyes tend to see the future, so sometimes decided what way to go, would be a wrong decision.
After sometimes seem very happy to win, but to wait for some time, you will find the best is yet to come;
Sometimes the opportunity to come before you, you do not know to take advantage of, that there are better in the back, there is no time to lose grasp. Among these, we should pray for God to give us wisdom to know how to grasp the opportunity to also thank God gives us, if God had not given the opportunity, even if you have the ability Babel, space is no play.
Life should not be too intense self-opinion, to always think about God, the joy of doing it? Doing so may glorify God and benefit people? More often able to Lord the heart for the heart, often corrected, so it will not generate force, jealousy, psychology. In everything give thanks because you will, everything thanks to believe all things to rely on.