2014年6月11日 星期三

兩種根基,三種考驗-----Two kinds of foundations, all three test


第一:行道的重要,雅各書 一章22只是你們要行道,不要單單聽道,自己欺哄自己。23 因為聽道而不行道的,就像人對著鏡子看自己本來的面目, 24 看見,走後,隨即忘了他的相貌如何。25 惟有詳細察看那全備、使人自由之律法的,並且時常如此,這人既不是聽了就忘,乃是實在行出來,就在他所行的事上必然得福。我們除了常來參加聚會,多聽主的道理外,還要將所聽到的道理行在日常生活中,才能使自己信仰紮根.舉例說做1.學生的都知道學數學,不是只是用聽得就好了,還要不斷的練習算題目才會真正懂2.學習炊事烹飪不是只看DVD教學影片,就能學會切菜洗菜下鍋烹調,而是要親自去做才學會的,在這學習過程,有時會遇到刀子切到手,或者被燙到,這些都是學習過程常遇到的事情,也不會因為這樣就停止了烹飪炊事,同樣的我們在行道的過程中也是辛苦的,有時也會因為別人的話,如刀子般的銳利而刺傷我們,我們也是要靠聖經的教訓,去學習行道繼續行道,以前我們看武俠小說中的人物,都會背武林秘笈的口訣,背很熟,然後照著練,不斷的練習,就能練就一身好功夫,當壞人要來打擊他的時候,他便能很快的施展武功來防禦以及攻擊.不管練那一套功夫就是要熟練,同樣的我們聽到聖經的道理,如果沒有透過行道,就無法真正熟練聖經的道理.所以當我們面對魔鬼無情的攻擊的時候,我們的武林秘笈是什麼,就是這本聖經,我們若能熟練,就能抵擋魔鬼的攻擊.(約翰福音 六章63 叫人活著的乃是靈,肉體是無益的。我對你們所說的話就是靈,就是生命馬太福音四章1~11主耶穌受試探時,也是用聖經上的話語來勝過魔鬼的.我們平時都很忙如果能抽出時間,來參加聚會,藉著聚會時間,來領受主的話語,專心禱告,實行在日常生活中,這就是在做根基的功夫了.舉例:學生為了聯考,每天去補習班補習為的是,要增加課業的知識與技巧,並且不斷的練習各種題目,以便將來可以在聯考時得到好成績.同樣的情形,我們每一個人,一生中或多或少會遇到重大的考驗(比如夫妻失和,親子溝通不良,人際關係不好,事業失敗,中年失業)這也是人生的另類聯考,我們有為了這種另類的聯考去努力補習嗎?有人會問有在補這樣的習嗎?聽都沒聽過,其實來參加聚會,領受主的道理,平常試著將道理行出來,就是在為生命補習了.來到教會,也是來到靈魂的加油站,主的話就是靈,就是生命,可以讓靈魂甦醒,可以幫助我們通過人生的難關.(希伯來書 十章25 你們不可停止聚會,好像那些停止慣了的人,倒要彼此勸勉。既知道(註:原文作“看見”)那日子臨近,就更當如此。

  約伯在聖經上稱為完全正直,他的信仰根基應該是堅固的,但是魔鬼不服,魔鬼認為他的信仰是建立在外在的物質上,於是向神控告約伯。約伯記 第一章  8 耶和華問撒但說:“你曾用心察看我的僕人約伯沒有?地上再沒有人像他完全正直,敬畏神,遠離惡事。”(9 撒但回答耶和華說:“約伯敬畏神豈是無故呢?(10)你豈不是四面圈上籬笆圍護他和他的家,並他一切所有的嗎?他手所做的都蒙你賜福;他的家產也在地上增多。
   (11 你且伸手毀他一切所有的,他必當面棄掉你。”從以
    上的經節中,可以看出魔鬼認為約伯敬虔是來自於神的祝福,他想如果將神的祝福移去,約伯一定離開神。可是約伯在經歷患難的時候,他說了一句話(約伯記二10)我們從 神手裏得福,不也受禍麼?約伯認為一切的福氣來自於神,人所受的禍患也是神所允許的。我們人生在世會遇到快樂的事,也會遇到傷心的事,這些會不會影響對主的信心呢?舉例:有人因為生病來信主得醫治,有人因為家庭不平安信主得平安,有人因為參加學生團契來信主得到很多同儕的友誼,有人因為事業失敗,灰心喪志來信主
       不管如何,那些都是起初的信心,信主後要不斷的追求道理,在主的道理上有所長進,使自己成為一個有根基的人,要不然若干年後,信主前的苦難再來一次時,會不會因此而離開。會不會埋怨的說:主啊為什麼信主之後我又遇到患難呢?我家裏又不平安呢?或者我事業又不順呢?還是因為某人的一句話傷害了我,會因為以上總總原因而離開了教會嗎?還是像約伯一樣說“我們從 神手裏得福,不也受禍麼?” 詩篇三十九9 因我所遭遇的是出於神,我就默然不語。保羅對主的道理也是有根基的,他對世上的物質看得很開,不因為世上的富有,貧窮而影響他對主的信仰。羅馬書 35 誰能使我們與基督的愛隔絕呢?難道是患難嗎?是困苦嗎?是逼迫嗎?是飢餓嗎?是赤身露體嗎?是危險嗎?是刀劍嗎?36 如經上所記:“我們為你的緣故終日被殺,人看我們如將宰的羊。”37 然而,靠著愛我們的主,在這一切的事上已經得勝有餘了。 38 因為我深信無論是死、是生,是天使、是掌權的,是有能的,是現在的事、是將來的事, 39 是高處的、是低處的,是別的受造之物,都不能叫我們與神的愛隔絕;這愛是在我們的主基督耶穌裡的。


                你們要謹慎,恐怕有人用他的理學和虛空的妄言,不照著基督,乃照人間的遺傳和世上的小學,就把你們擄去。希伯來書 1 所以,我們當越發鄭重所聽見的道理,恐怕我們隨流失去。
 ,對於罪的敏感度也減弱了,而這種潮流有時也會影響到教會的信徒,要相當小心,不可小看這個問題,因為這種誘惑是不分婚前或婚後的,我們都要將約瑟拒絶誘惑所說的一句話放在心裏,創世記 三十九章9我怎能作這大惡,得罪神呢?時時提醒自己.
b.工作忙碌:因著社會繁榮進步,每個人的工作壓力越來越重,時間越來越忙,人際關係也越來越複雜,變得聚會時間以及參與聖工的機會也越來越少,這是現今社會每一個人所都會面對的但在這麼多事情同時來的時候,神給我們自由選擇的權利,你是要去教會敬拜神呢?還是要繼續忙工作呢?這種潮流對教會的衝擊也是很大,很多外務不斷的佔用了信徒的時間,願意投入時間,心力參與教會聖工的越來越少,藉著忙碌讓我們跟神之間的距離拉遠了,使我們的聚會時間減少了,這是一個危機,我們應當要自我提醒。(雅各書 13 嗐!你們有話說:“今天、明天我們要往某城裡去,在那裡住一年,做買賣得利。”14 其實明天如何,你們還不知道。你們的生命是甚麼呢?你們原來是一片雲霧,出現少時就不見了。15 你們只當說:“主若願意,我們就可以活著,也可以做這事,或做那事。”)

風吹:指著異教之風(以弗所書四14)使我們不再作小孩子,中了人的詭計和欺騙的法術,被一切異教之風搖動,飄來飄去,就隨從各樣的異端。這種情形在現今的世代會越來越多,現今有些基督教派會有什麼醫病大會或行什麼異能奇事,有人就被迷惑.(帖撒羅尼迦後書 1 弟兄們,論到我們主耶穌基督降臨和我們到他那裡聚集,二2 我勸你們:無論有靈、有言語、有冒我名的書信,說主的日子現在到了(註:“現在”或作“就”),不要輕易動心,也不要驚慌。 3 人不拘用甚麼法子,你們總不要被他誘惑!因為那日子以前,必有離道反教的事,並有那大罪人,就是沉淪之子,顯露出來。),例如:之前美國飛碟會就說西元幾年幾月幾日會有飛碟要來,世界末日要到了,結果很多高知識份子及富有的人都變賣家產,我們旁觀者都會說好笨哦,明知道是騙人的還要去.但是身陷迷惑的人往往無法自拔,要不然就不會有這麼多的人被詐騙集團給騙了.

結論: 在世上不管你是信主的或是不信主;是信仰堅定的或是信心軟弱;是熱心聖工的或是不冷不熱的.不管如何,人活著就會經歷一連串的考驗,不管是來自於神的試煉,還是來自世上潮流的誘惑,現實環境的影響,還是詭詐的事件層出不窮,都會衝擊我們的內心,考驗著我們的信仰。神對每個人都是公平的,每個人或多或少都會經歷不同的考驗。當考驗來臨時正是檢驗自己信仰不足的地方。正如學校考試,考完之後才知道自己那裏不會需要再加強,並訂正根基要受考驗(哥林多前書三1015)  10 我照神所給我的恩,好像一個聰明的工頭,立好了根基,有別人在上面建造,只是各人要謹慎怎樣在上面建造。11 因為那已經立好的根基就是耶穌基督,此外沒有人能立別的根基。12 若有人用金、銀、寶石、草木、禾秸在這根基上建造, 13 各人的工程必然顯露,因為那日子要將它表明出來,有火發現,這火要試驗各人的工程怎樣。 14 人在那根基上所建造的工程若存得住,他就要得賞賜; 15 人的工程若被燒了,他就要受虧損,自己卻要得救;雖然得救,乃像從火裡經過的一樣。)不管是用撞的,是火燒的我們的信仰總要經歷試煉才能成為精金。親愛的弟兄姊妹,我們是否正面臨雨淋,還是水沖呢?還是風吹,是否覺得痛苦不堪,是否覺得這屋子快要倒塌,快要承受不住了,要回頭反省想一想自己的根基是建立在那裏。

Two kinds of foundations, all three test
Preface: (Matthew seven chapters 24-27) In this passage, we see two foundations have all gone through three kinds of tests, there are two different results. Brother on the foundation of today against two, all three tests, two results make a few, as mutual encouragement:
A. First talk about two kinds of roots: a. Everyone who has heard the words of the Lord, and go to the line. Two. Everyone who has heard the words but not the main line. The first is a solid. The second is weak. From these two foundations to tell us what:
First: an important way street, James chapter 22 But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves. 23 Because the auditory canal and not a doer, like unto a man beholding his natural face in a 24-saw, left, then forgot how he looks. 25 Only a detailed look at that perfect, perfect law of liberty, and often the case, this man is neither listening to forget, but doing it, you will be blessed in what he doeth. We often come to the party in addition to, listen to the Lord's truth, but also to hear the truth walk in their daily lives, to make their own beliefs rooted. For example do a student knows that mathematics is not just used to hear just fine, but keeps count of practice will really understand the subject 2. Learning teaching kitchen cooking than just the DVD movie, you can learn vegetable wash cooking pot dish, but to do it in person learned in this learning process, sometimes encounter a knife cut hand, or is hot to, these are often encountered in the process of learning things, not because this to stop the cooking kitchen, the same track, in the process we are also hard, because sometimes other people, such as a knife-like sharp and stabbing us, we also rely on the teachings of the Bible, continue to learn way street way street, before We see the characters in martial arts, martial arts secrets formulas are back, back asleep, then follow the practice, constant practice, can he learned a good effort, when the bad guys come to fight him, he will be able to quickly The display of martial arts to defend and attack. Whether practicing a skill that is to be skilled, we hear the same biblical truth, if not through-way street, you can not really skilled biblical truth. So when we are faced with relentless attacks of the devil, our martial arts secrets what is, is this the Bible, if we are skilled, able to resist the devil's attacks. (John chapters 63) but the Spirit gives life, the flesh is useless. I have spoken to you are spirit and they are life. Matthew chapters 1 to 11 when the Lord Jesus was tempted, but also with the words of the Bible to overcome the devil. We usually are busy if you can find time to come to the party, by the party time to partake of the Lord's Word and prayer, practiced in daily life, which is the foundation of the effort in doing it. For example: Students for entrance exams, tutoring every day to cram as is, to increase the academic knowledge and skills, and constantly practicing a variety of topics, so that you can get good results in the future when the entrance exam. Same situation, each of us will encounter in life is more or less a major test (such as marital discord, poor parent-child communication, interpersonal bad, cause of failure, the middle-aged unemployed) and this is an alternative entrance exam of life, For this we have to work on alternative entrance exam tutoring it? Someone will ask there make such a study it? Ever heard of, in fact, come to the party, partake of the Lord's truth, the truth usually try to line out, that is, for the life of the tutorial. Come to church, but also to the soul of the gas station, the Lord's words are spirit and they are life, you can let the soul awakening, can help us through the difficulties of life. (Hebrews ten chapters 25) You can not stop the party, like those used to the stop, but encouraging one another. Knowing (Note: the original as "see") that day approaches, even when the case.

Second. To build faith in the body of the Lord Jesus, do not create in the human body.
Jesus lives forever; human and material is weak and short-lived. How is it built on the Lord Jesus? How is it established in the human body? For biblical examples:
Job in the Bible called complete integrity, his faith foundation should be strong, but not satisfied with the devil, the devil believes his faith is built on the outside in the material, so to accuse God of Job. First Job Chapter 8 LORD said unto Satan: "?. Hast my servant Job, that there is none like him in the earth, a blameless and upright, fearing God and turning away from evil" (9) Satan answered Lord said:?? "Doth Job fear God for naught it (10) Hast not thou made an hedge about him and his family, and all he did do his hands You have blessed; him substance is on the ground increased.
 (11) stretch out your hand to destroy everything he has, and he will curse you. "From to
    Verses on, you can see the devil Job piety is considered a blessing from God, he thought, if the removal of God's blessing, Job must leave God. But when Job experience trouble, he said a word (Job 2:10) from the hands of God, and shall we not receive evil? Job that everything blessing from God, who also suffered the scourge of God allows. A life we ​​encounter a happy thing, will encounter sad thing, these will not affect confidence in the Lord do? For example: Some people get sick because of a letter from Lord healed, it was because the family does not believe in the Lord of peace have peace, it was a letter from the Lord for participating in student fellowship get a lot of peer friendships, because it was the cause of the failure, discouragement letter primary

Regardless, those who are to continue to pursue initial confidence, believing the truth, some grow in the Lord's truth, to become the foundation of a person, or else a few years later, before the coming of the suffering believers once, will therefore leave. Will not complain, said: After Lord ah Why I encountered trouble believing it? My family does not peace? Or in my career and it will not ring true? Or because someone's words hurt me, because of the above reasons, leaving a total gross church? Or like Job said, "We are from the hand of God, and shall we not receive evil?" Psalm thirty-nine 9 because I encountered God, and I was speechless. Paul is also the main foundation of truth, he is very open to see the material world, not because of the rich world, poverty and the impact of his faith on the Lord. Romans 8:35 Who shall separate us and the love of Christ do? Is it trouble you? Is the hardship it? Is forced to do? Hunger is it? Nakedness do? Is dangerous? A sword right? 36 As it is written: "We killed all day long for your sake, we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter." 37 However, relying on the love of our Lord, in all these things we are more than conquerors. 38 For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, there is energy, it is now, nor things to come, 39 Nor height, is the lower is the creature of another things have not told us and the love of God; which is in Jesus Christ our Lord.
B. Then talk about the three tests: seven from Matthew 25 and 27 can know whether it is built on the rock of faith the Lord Jesus on earth or weak people and material, will encounter rain descended, the wind test, This rain descended, the wind and even represent

What significance does it have?
Rain: rain from heaven, that is, God's trials, Proverbs 17:3 The crucible for silver and the furnace for gold, but the LORD trieth the hearts, Peter chapters 12,13,19, we all know that people If there is no holiness can not see the face of God, so God will love us for, in order to enable us to holiness, so we met some, such as the fiery pain, and suffering in mind and therefore, by the suffering hearts to reflect on and remove hearts waste. Sometimes we think, what we encounter, how do we know that is not of God? Or of the devil? Or out of misunderstandings? In fact, we did not even know. But we can do is to meditate on yourself, if it was wrong and ask God to have mercy on repentance; then on to God with a clear conscience if introspection, in everything give thanks, I believe that everything is God's good will.
Example: a priest holding a church ministry in a hurry to use the money, the robbers in the street, through, but he said to find a place to calm down and pray. Fifteen minutes later, the pastor prayed finished it, he was asked: "Do you pray ask God to give you back the money yet?" Another man said: "May God you pray to call the police to catch the culprits and recover the money ? it, "another said:" No, the priest must then ask God to give us under another pen to use. "
Pastor slowly said: "I just thank God is three things: First, I thank God because I just robbed the money, the body does not hurt; Secondly, I thank God, because this is only my first time in four decades encounter bandits, the past four decades, the conservative God, I have not met too; Third, I am most grateful that I was snatched something, rather than try to steal people's stuff I thank God gives me good growth environment and family education, so I would not become a robber. "
Each day, we will encounter large and small things, everything our impact on, depending on our own views. Some four or five-year-old man suffering from a serious illness, he would complain, I just prime, why me. Even six or seven-year-old person would complain, why am I just retired, stopped four or five years of toil, are enjoying a break, why would I?
They did not think before that, they already have decades of health, they did not think that some people are born already crippling, body suffer ills.
From today on, we learn in everything, be thankful to find out where to make sincere thanks with a grateful heart to see the world, everything will become better, things will be more and more grateful. So in terms of housing and rain will not feel a hit, but the rain of heaven.

Flush: water waves from the ground, the trend is pointing generations (Colossians Chapter II 8)
Beware lest his philosophy and vain deceit, not after Christ, are according to human genetics and rudiments of the world, and put you into captivity. Hebrews two 1 Therefore we ought to give the more earnest heard, lest we drift away.
And today's generation has encountered a wave that flooded the believers do?
a. Swinging: As society progresses, more and more open thinking, whether it is before or after marriage, premarital sex, extramarital affairs are a very serious matter, but also a very shameful thing, but now social media often reports of some artists lace marriage gossip news or celebrity extramarital affairs, under such extensive coverage, the same as if paralyzed
, Sensitivity to sin also diminished, and this trend may also affect the church believers, should be very careful not to underestimate the problem, since this temptation is before or after marriage, regardless, we have Joseph refused the temptation to say a word in my heart, thirty nine chapters of Genesis 9 How can I do this great wickedness, and sin against God? Remind yourself.
b. Busy: Due to the prosperity and progress of society, each person's increasingly heavy work pressure, time, more and more busy, relationships are more complex, the time and the opportunity to become involved in gathering holy work less and less, which Nowadays everyone is facing the city. But in so many things at the same time came, God our right to freedom of choice, you are going to church to worship God? Or to continue a busy job? This trend is a big impact on the church, many believers Foreign constantly occupied time, willing to invest time and effort involved in the church of St. fewer workers, through busy with the distance between God let us pull away so that our party time is reduced, which is a crisis, we should have to remind ourselves. (James 4:13 Go to now, ye that say:!.. "Today, tomorrow we will go into such a city, spend a year there, doing business profit," 14 in fact what will happen tomorrow, you do not know your life ? what you are a mist that appears for a little gone 15 ye ought to say:.. "If the Lord wills, we shall live, and do this, or do that.")
Wind: the wind, pointing Pagan (Ephesians 4:14) so ​​that we no longer be children, tossed to and fro and deception spells are all pagan wind shaking, floated on all sorts of followers heresy. This situation in today's generation will be more and more, today some Christian denominations have any medical treatment of the meeting or do any miracles and wonders, some people are confused. (2 Thessalonians II 1 brethren, our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together unto him, two 2 I beseech you: Whether there is spirit, there are words, letters have come in my name, says the Lord Now comes the day (Note: "now" or as "on")., Do not be tempted, do not panic two three informal by any means, you always do not be tempted because he was the day before that, there must be apostasy! thing, and that man of sin, the son of perdition, be revealed), for example: the United States before flying saucer would say dd day of the month there will be a few years to come flying saucer, end of the world to come, and the result is much higher intellectuals wealthy people to sell their assets, we will say a bystander Haoben Oh, knowing that is a lie wanted to go. But people often confuse caught unable to extricate themselves, or else there would be so many people have been fooled by scam.

Conclusion: Whether you are in the world, believers or unbelievers; firm belief or confidence is weak; are not enthusiastic about the holy ministry or lukewarm. No matter what, people will go through a series of tests alive, whether it is from God trials or temptations from the world trends, the impact of reality, or deceitful event after another, will impact our hearts, a test of our faith. God is fair to everyone, everyone will experience more or less different test. When the test comes, it is less a place to test his faith. As a school examination, after which finished just need to know that there will not be strengthened and revised by the foreman foundation to test (I Corinthians 3:10 - 15) 10 I did the grace of God given to me, as a wise, have laid the foundation, and another buildeth, just be careful how everyone in the above construction. 11 because it is already laid, which is Jesus Christ, no one can lay any foundation other. 12 If any man with gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, stubble build on this foundation, 13 Every man's work shall be made manifest, because the Day will bring it showed out by fire, the fire shall try every man's work how . 14 people on that have built the foundation survives, he will receive a reward; 15 people work shall be burned, he shall suffer loss, but he himself shall be saved; yet so as through fire inside the same. ) Whether using hit, fire of our faith is to go through trials to become gold. Dear brothers and sisters, we are facing the rain, or flush it? Or the wind, whether felt pain, Do you think this house is about to collapse, about to bear, and to think about their roots back to reflect on where it is built.

