2014年6月3日 星期二

從傳道書看人生的美事--From Ecclesiastes to see the good things in life---从传道书看人生的美事

第一個看法:太勞苦:我們以目前台灣為例,升學壓力很大,競爭也很激烈,社會上都會以掛有博士頭銜為榮,以自己是某某國立名校畢業為榮。就因為如此,社會上很多人都在學問上不斷的鑽研,不斷的補習。我們都經歷過這樣的讀書,寫功課,做報告,考試,不斷的循環這樣的過程,不管這些對各位來說是過去式或者是未來式還是現在進行式。我們都知道這是一件非常辛苦的事,都要花很多的時間去研讀,絞盡腦汁來找尋答案,卻不見得可以找到答案。(傳道書八16~17):16 我專心求智慧,要看世上所做的事。(有晝夜不睡覺,不合眼的。)17 我就看明 神一切的作為,知道人查不出日光之下所做的事;任憑他費多少力尋查,都查不出來,就是智慧人雖想知道,也是查不出來。這裏有說 神的一切的作為,人是無法查出來的,不要說 神的作為,就連我們在學校裏為了要解一條微積分或者解證明題都會傷透腦筋了,何況是 神的作為。但人往往想要憑藉著自己的力量,要去追求永無止境的學問。
第二個看法:多煩惱(傳道書一16~18):16我心裡議論說:“我得了大智慧,勝過我以前在耶路撒冷的眾人,而且我心中多經歷智慧和知識的事。”17 我又專心察明智慧、狂妄和愚昧,乃知這也是捕風。18 因為多有智慧,就多有愁煩;加增知識的,就加增憂傷。舉例:像學化學的,對甲苯或DMF會害怕,學電的人對電磁波也會特別的注意,學醫的對細菌及病毒也特別敏感,
一.第一個看法:太勞碌(傳道書四5~8):5愚昧人抱著手,吃自己的肉。6 滿了一把,得享安靜,強如滿了兩把,勞碌捕風。有人常說一句話年輕的時候努力加班,拼命兼差,交際應酬,用自己的身體健康換取金錢;等到真的賺到了財富,自己的身體也弄壞了,這時候要把所賺的錢拿來買藥吃,自己不斷的勞碌什麼都沒得到,難道不是勞碌捕風嗎?7 我又轉念,見日光之下有一件虛空的事:8 有人孤單無二,無子無兄,竟勞碌不息,眼目也不以錢財為足。他說:“我勞勞碌碌,刻苦自己,不享福樂,到底是為誰呢?”這也是虛空,是極重的勞苦。這在我們平時周遭的朋友們,也會看到有些人不停的上班賺錢,也不給自己和家人一起享樂的時間,成為一個賺錢的機器。真的為誰辛苦,為誰忙呢?如果這般勞勞碌碌不能使自己得到喜樂,何不停下腳步,安靜的坐在會堂,聆聽聖經的話語享受平靜安穩喜樂。
二.第二個看法:不知足(傳道書五10~12: 10貪愛銀子的,不因得銀子知足;貪愛豐富的,也不因得利益知足。這也是虛空。我們看社會上很多富豪會因為自己很多錢而說夠了嗎?舉例:曾經在很多年前電視新聞有報導一個在高雄煮牛肉麵的廚師,在煮牛肉麵的時候煮到一半知道自己中樂透,結果手在抖煮不下去,於是就放下煮麵的工具,與店裏的客人握手道別。馬上辭職去過著他夢寐以求的有錢人生活,他得到七億的金額是他辛苦一輩子也賺不到的(一次到位),現在一次通通給他,照理說,他好好的過生活,一生行善助人,這筆錢是花不完的,但是他不會因此而滿足,將這些錢再拿去投資加油站,及隨便揮霍,盡情的享受,結果經過一年多就猝死。11貨物增添,吃的人也增添,物主得甚麼益處呢?不過眼看而已。12勞碌的人不拘吃多吃少,睡得香甜;富足人的豐滿,卻不容他睡覺。
三.第三個看法:歸別人(傳道書二18~21):18 我恨惡一切的勞碌,就是我在日光之下的勞碌,因為我得來的必留給我以後的人。19 那人是智慧是愚昧,誰能知道?他竟要管理我勞碌所得的,就是我在日光之下用智慧所得的。這也是虛空。20 故此,我轉想我在日光之下所勞碌的一切工作,心便絕望。不管你是智慧得來或是幸運得來或是不法得來,最後離開了世上,剩下的也帶不走,至於如何處理,誰要來花這些都不是你來決定的。
四.第四個看法:帶不回(傳道書五13~15):13我見日光之下,有一宗大禍患:就是財主積存資財,反害自己。14 因遭遇禍患,這些資財就消滅;那人若生了兒子,手裡也一無所有。15 他怎樣從母胎赤身而來,也必照樣赤身而去;他所勞碌得來的,手中分毫不能帶去。
中樂透的牛肉麵的廚師,難道不是最好的人生寫照嗎?(不會因為有了七億而知足,他花不完的也是留給別人,用不完的也是帶不走)。工作穏定,收入穏定就是 神的祝福了讓我們得了大利。解釋:40萬元美金一次給?一仟分20年給?那一個對我們有利呢?

二.不滿足(傳道書一8):8 萬事令人厭煩(註:或作“萬物滿有困乏”),人不能說盡。眼看,看不飽;耳聽,聽不足。9 已有的事,後必再有;已行的事,後必再行。日光之下,並無新事。
提摩太前書六6 然而,敬虔加上知足的心便是大利了7 因為我們沒有帶甚麼到世上來,也不能帶甚麼去,8只要有衣有食,就當知足。。
1.健康(傳道書五18~19):18我所見為善為美的,就是人在神賜他一生的日子吃喝,享受日光之下勞碌得來的好處,因為這是他的分。19 神賜人資財豐富,使他能以吃用,能取自己的分,在他勞碌中喜樂,這乃是神的恩賜。。。有人身體不好禁不起勞碌,或者沒有食慾,所以可以勞碌又可以吃的下就是健康了。我們自己想一想,我們每天這麼辛苦的工作,下班後可以和自己心愛的人快快樂樂,健健康康的享用一頓飯,就是很大的幸福了。
一.在勞碌中吃喝:傳道書二24人莫強如吃喝,且在勞碌中享福,我看這也是出於神的手。傳道書三13 並且人人吃喝,在他一切勞碌中享福,這也是神的恩賜。我們每天有工作在忙碌,在忙完一天之後享受勞碌所得的,這是神所喜悅的。而不是世人所說的,如果我們有幾仟萬,那我們就可以整天不用工作,到處遊山玩水,盡情的享樂,這跟剛剛所說的中獎的牛肉麵廚師,有什麼兩樣呢?你會羨慕他剛開始的中獎嗎?你會接受他這樣的結局嗎?所以整天不用工作,到處遊山玩水,盡情的享樂,這不是神所喜悅的。
2.樂在工作(傳道書三22前半段)第22 故此,我見人莫強如在他經營的事上喜樂,因為這是他的分。每個人在自己的工作崗位上認真工作,從工作中得到成就感,在工作中榮耀主的名,這是主所喜悅的。這跟剛才所提到的日夜不停的上班,加班不同,同樣是努力工作樂在工作,
二.一切都是為主(羅馬書十四7~97 我們沒有一個人為自己活,也沒有一個人為自己死。8 我們若活著,是為主而活;若死了,是為主而死。所以我們或活或死,總是主的人。9 因此基督死了,又活了,為要作死人並活人的主。今天我們不管是從事什麼工作當我們表明我們是基督徒時,別人都會注意我們的行為,做的好是讓主得榮耀,做不好只會讓主蒙羞。
3.行善(傳道書三12 我知道世人,莫強如終身喜樂行善。
二.屬靈:傳福音(傳道書十一6~7)。像保羅(哥林多前書九222322向軟弱的人,我就作軟弱的人,為要得軟弱的人;向甚麼樣的人,我就作甚麼樣的人。無論如何總要救些人。23 凡我所行的,都是為福音的緣故,為要與人同得這福音的好處。
雅各書二13 因為那不憐憫人的,也要受無憐憫的審判,憐憫原是向審判誇勝。我們在世不管是屬肉的行善或是屬靈的行善,在當下看來好像是付出,事實上在將來審判台前,對自己的受益最大。
一.祂是造物主:傳道書十二1 你趁著年幼,衰敗的日子尚未來到,就是你所說“我毫無喜樂”的那些年日未曾臨近之先,當記念造你的主!羅馬書一20 自從造天地以來,神的永能和神性是明明可知的,雖是眼不能見,但藉著所造之物就可以曉得,叫人無可推諉。。。天地萬物都是祂所造,我們在整個宇宙天地之間,是很渺小的,渺小到就有如大海中的一小湯匙,我們大部份的人都有坐過飛機的經驗,當飛機升空離地面越來越遠的時候,你會發現人,車子,房子變得越來越小,直到完全看不到,此時你會感覺到人在宇宙中是多麼微小,小到可能要用顯微鏡才看得到, 神依然看顧我們,垂聽我們如此卑微的人的禱告,我們在日常生活中,都要感念神的創造,保留我們的生命,比如我們在公司上班,有時我們尚且會在乎公司裏主管的想法,難道我們不用在乎創造宇宙萬物,至高至大,無所不能的 神嗎?祂的命令我們豈敢違背呢?
二.祂是拯救主:(詩篇一四五篇18~2018 凡求告耶和華的,就是誠心求告他的,耶和華便與他們相近。19 敬畏他的,他必成就他們的心願,也必聽他們的呼求,拯救他們。20 耶和華保護一切愛他的人,卻要滅絕一切的惡人。
三.祂是審判主(傳道書十二14因為人所做的事,連一切隱藏的事,無論是善是惡,神都必審問。所以我們不論做什麼事,都要對得起神,如果我們做的這件事,是怕別人知道的,那就不要做。因為 神一定知道。

        如果得到一切世人以為美的事,卻失去了聖經傳道書以為美的事…..(馬太福音十六26) 人若賺得全世界,賠上自己的生命,有甚麼益處呢?人還能拿甚麼換生命呢?

     如果做到一切聖經以為美的事,卻失去了世人以為美的事,也不會遺憾(提摩太後書四7~87那美好的仗我已經打過了;當跑的路我已經跑盡了;所信的道我已經守住了。8 從此以後,有公義的冠冕為我存留,就是按著公義審判的主到了那日要賜給我的;不但賜給我,也賜給凡愛慕他顯現的人。

From Ecclesiastes to see the good things in life

Introduction: Solomon Wang Yisheng wealth, high status, wisdom is better than everyone, experienced a life wrote Ecclesiastes, Ecclesiastes we see the world is how to treat people think good things in life, and Ecclesiastes think good things in life and What is it? First we look at the world that the United States do, the Bible how to treat it?
One. Provide things the world
1. The pursuit of knowledge: but it seems in Ecclesiastes 3 ​​views
The first view: too weary: We present the case of Taiwan, studies a lot of pressure, competition is fierce, the community will have to hang doctorate proud to own a certain national pride graduate schools. Because of this, many people in society are constantly studying on scholarship, constant tutoring. We have experienced such a reading, homework, doing reports, examinations, continuous cycle this process, regardless of you is past tense or future tense or the present tense. We all know that this is a very hard thing to spend a lot of time to read, struggled to find the answer, but not necessarily be able to find the answer. (Ecclesiastes 8:16 - 17): 16 I heart to know wisdom, to see the world did. (There are day and night without sleep, do not sleep a wink.) 17 I beheld all the work of God, that man can not find things done under the sun; let him take much force lookups are not check out, although the person is wisdom want to know is to check it out. Here are all as God said, people can not check out, not to mention God's act, even our solutions in order to prove a calculus problem or the solution will be a headache at school, not to mention God. But people tend to want to by virtue of their power, go to the endless pursuit of knowledge.
The pursuit of knowledge: but it seems Ecclesiastes
The second view: Multi troubles (Ecclesiastes 1:16 - 18): 16 I thought to myself, said:. "I got great wisdom than all that were before me in Jerusalem, and I have experienced much of wisdom and knowledge of things" 17 I gave my heart know wisdom, madness and folly, I perceived that this also is vexation. 18 For in much wisdom is much grief; increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow. Example: like learning chemistry, toluene or DMF afraid, people will learn electric special attention to electromagnetic waves, bacteria and viruses are particularly sensitive medical student,
The more we know the more time will be more trouble. Sometimes because of our knowledge, we will find that this thing can not eat, can not drink the water, the outside air is too dirty, you can not go out, got the last maybe think that this planet can not live. Sometimes knowledge is better than confidence, you will not do a lot of things, like flying one dares to sit, there is concern not dare sit, sometimes we look around us, he knows more than we do not necessarily but you will find that they have a nice happy than we are, but also healthy.
The pursuit of knowledge: but it seems Ecclesiastes
The third view: not good (Ecclesiastes IX 11): I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift; may not win the battle; wisdom may not have food, discernment may not have the financial resources, may not be smart have joy; happen to them all, but time and chance.
Many people believe that efforts to the pursuit of knowledge, make yourself smarter chance to win, but not everyone can get it, to achieve their desired. Similarly, put their limited time for reading another aside time dedicated to God, not necessarily no chance of winning, because the care is the opportunity given by God at that time. Example: This year (100 years) has held early elementary examination of public authorities, the results of a large number of candidates, 12 doctoral graduates among all get the job, the food was not as wise, it may not get the iron rice bowl.
2. The pursuit of money: money that everyone loved, wants to pursue more wealth, but we know that "gentleman's love of money, in a proper way" to meet the middle, upright, if excessive pursuit of money, while ignoring the faith, ignoring family, ignoring the health, it is worth the candle. So we look at how to look at the pursuit of money Ecclesiastes
The pursuit of money: it appears that there are four views of Ecclesiastes
One. The first view: too labor (Ecclesiastes 4:5 ~ 8): 5 The fool folds his hands and eat their flesh. 6 full handful with quietness, than full two, toil and chasing the wind. There are people always say a word when I was younger overtime, and desperately moonlighting, socializing with their health in exchange for money; until really make a fortune, also broke his own body, and this time the money should be used to buy medicine to eat their own toil constantly get nothing, do not toil catch today? 7 I returned, and saw under the sun has a vanity thing: 8 someone goes alone, no son nor brother, actually endless toil, his eyes were not enough to money to. He said: "I ​​am weary, hard himself, not good, and in the end it is for whom?" This also is vanity, is a heavy toil. This is usually around our friends will see some people go to work non-stop to make money, not to pleasure yourself and your family time together and become a money machine. Who is really hard, Who am I doing it? If so weary not give themselves joy, why not stop, sitting quietly halls, listening to the words of Scripture to enjoy calm calm joy.
The pursuit of money: but it seems Ecclesiastes
Two. Second opinion: I do not know enough (Ecclesiastes 5:10 - 12): 10 He that loveth silver shall not come to be satisfied with silver; craving rich, nor because of vested interests contentment. This is also vanity. ? We see a lot of wealthy society a lot of money because they will say enough right Example: once many years ago, television news reported a boiled beef noodle chef in Kaohsiung, cook beef noodles in half the time to cook knew the music through the results do not go hand in shaking cook, so he put down cooking tools, shook hands with the guests of the store. Immediately resign to live his dream of the rich life, he got 700 million the amount that he did not earn a hard life (a place), now give him all time, fair to say that he had good life, and his good deeds helping the money is enough of, but he will not be satisfied, will invest the money and then take the gas station, and just splurge, enjoy, the results after a year on death. 11 When goods increase, adding that eat them, and what benefits the owners get it? But seeing it. 12 laboring man whether he eat little, sleep soundly; abundance of the rich will not suffer him to sleep.
The pursuit of money: but it seems Ecclesiastes
Three. The third view: Normalized others (Ecclesiastes 2:18 - 21): 18 I hated all his labor which I labored under the sun, because I have to come after me who will be left. 19 That man is wise and foolish, who knows? He had to manage my labor income, with the wisdom that I obtained under the sun. This is also vanity. 20 Therefore I think I have labored under the sun all the work, heart to despair. Whether you are smart or lucky to have come or lawless come, the last to leave the world, and the rest are not take, as to how to deal with those who want to spend is not for you to decide.
The pursuit of money: but it seems Ecclesiastes
Four. The fourth view: with no return (Ecclesiastes 5:13 - 15): 13 I have seen under the sun, there is a grievous evil: that the rich man's wealth is stored, their hurt. 14 by evil travail But those riches perish; But if the man had a son, there is nothing in his hand. 15 how he came naked from the mother's womb, and naked shall still away; he labored, nothing can bring hands.
Cook beef noodles in the lottery, is it not the best portrayal of life do? (Not because of the seven hundred million and contentment, he also left enough of others, and also use up not take). Work Stable, Stable income is God's blessing that we got to let Italy. Explanation: 400,000 yuan to the U.S. again? One thousand to 20 years? Which is good for us too?
Human perspective, God's perspective. For example: (a conservative estimate, taking the average) if a family 20,000 yuan dollars a year, also has a stable of 20 years 400,000 yuan dollars .........

3. The pursuit of luxury pleasures: Ecclesiastes how to treat the pursuit of luxury pleasures it?
One. Is vanity (Ecclesiastes II 1): I said to myself: "Come with me to try your joy, hello enjoy life!." Who knows, this also is vanity. Example: a sumptuously favorite people in the world, extravagance, no restraint.
Two. Does not satisfy (Ecclesiastes 1:8): 8 things annoying (Note: or as "all things are full of sleepy"), people do not say. Seeing the look of unsaturated; lack ears, listen. 9 existing things, there will be again; already done it, shall be done. Under the sun, there is nothing new.
Timothy 6:6 But godliness with contentment is the heart of Italy 7 For we brought nothing into this world, and we can take nothing out, eight long have food and clothing, we will be content. .
Two. Indicating that the book thing of beauty
1. Health (Ecclesiastes 5:18 - 19): 18 I have seen is good for the United States, that is, God has given his life in the days of eating and drinking, labors under the sun to enjoy the benefits, because this is his reward. 19 God gives riches rich man, so that he can eat, and to take his portion, and to rejoice in his labor, it is God's gift. . . It was in poor health can not withstand the toil, or no appetite, so you can work hard and under can eat is healthier. Think of our own, we work so hard every day after work and their loved ones can be happy, perfectly healthy to enjoy a meal, is a great happiness.
One. In toil in the food and drink: Ecclesiastes 2:24 people nothing better to eat and drink, and enjoy life in toil, and I think this is the hand of God. Ecclesiastes 3:13 and everyone eat and drink, and enjoy the good of all his labor, which is the gift of God. We work every day in a busy, resulting in labor after enjoying a busy day, which is pleasing to God. Instead of talking about the world, if we have a few 250 million, then we can not work all day, everywhere, sightseeing, enjoy the pleasure, which with just said winning beef noodle chef, what is different from it? You will envy he started winning it? You will accept him this ending? So do not work all day, everywhere, sightseeing, enjoy the pleasure, which is not pleasing to God.
Two. In contrast, in the dark; trouble; patients; pique the food and drink were unfortunate (Ecclesiastes 5:17). For example: a good meal, sashimi, abalone, mullet, beef, mutton, the result is no lights on these dark room, eating, eyes can not see, will no appetite, no naked eye has not yet seen the appetite, not to mention mind there is no light, eye in the dark, there will be loss of it? Our lives without God's light shine in our mind is invisible, so food and drink will be happy?
2. Fun at work (Ecclesiastes 3:22 first half) Section 22 Therefore, I see nothing better people rejoice in his own works, because this is his reward. Everyone working on their jobs seriously, get a sense of accomplishment from work, the glory of the Lord's name in their work, which is pleasing to the Lord. This is mentioned just now working around the clock, overtime is different, equally happy to work hard at work,
Mentioned earlier there is no restraint, work is his only because he had to work and take up with God's time. Here that is fun to work in order to repay the grace of the Lord, the glory of the Lord's name, do not neglect to work with God, instead of showing the image of Christ at work. His attitude was:
One. The purpose of life is to serve as (Reference: Mark ten 42 to 45) to 43 just ten among you, not the case. Among you, who wants to become great shall be your servant; 44 among you, who would be first must be slave of all. 45 Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life as a ransom for many. "
Two. Everything is based (Romans fourteen 7-9) 7 For none of us lives to himself, and no one dies to himself. 8 If we live, is to live for; If the die is mainly died. So we may be living or dead, is always the Lord's people. 9 Christ died and lived again, that he might be dead and the living Lord. Today we are no matter what kind of work when we show that we are Christians, the people will pay attention to our behavior, to do good is to let the Lord be glorified, do not just let the Lord into disrepute.
3. Charity (Ecclesiastes 3:12) I know the world is nothing better to do good lifelong joy.
One. The flesh: and give alms. Like to pay more (Acts 9:36) In Joppa there was a disciple named Tabitha, turning the Greek word is to pay more (Note: that is, "antelope" means). Her good works, Dorsch alms. While some people have the ability, but not necessarily be able to work it out. Able to work it out, is blessed.
Two. Spiritual: evangelism (Ecclesiastes 11:6 - 7). Like Paul (I Corinthians 9:22 - 23) 22 To the weak I became as weak, that I might gain the weak; to what kind of person, what kind of person I would be. Anyway save some people. 23 And I do all things for the gospel's sake, and for the people to get the benefits of this same gospel.
James 2:13 because that person is not compassion, but also by the judgment without mercy, mercy rejoiceth against judgment wins. Whether we are alive in the flesh of doing good or spiritual good, and at the moment they seem to pay, in fact, the trial stage in the future, for their own benefit the most.
4. Love (Ecclesiastes 9:9) in the days of the years of your life void is void of the years God has given you under the sun, when you love with the wife happy to survive, because it is your life, toil under the sun of the resultant matter. Living life, the things most likely unhappy, bitter than music, so
One. People live for many years, and rejoice years (Ecclesiastes 11:8) to cherish one another when
Two. Dark days will come (disaster, persecution, old decay), but when a good love (Ecclesiastes 9:10) Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do do it, because you will go to hell, did not work, nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom.
5. Worship (Ecclesiastes 12:13) These things have been heard, the total Fear God, and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man (Note: or as "This is all part of the job." ).
One. He is the Creator: Ecclesiastes 12:1 you take advantage of the young, the decline of the day has not yet come, that you said, "I have no pleasure," the first day of those years approach, remember when your Lord made​​! Romans 20 since the creation of one of the world God's eternal power and divine nature are clearly seen, though it is not visible, but by creatures can know that men are without excuse. . . He created heaven and earth are we in the universe between heaven and earth, is very tiny, insignificant to the sea is like a small spoon, most of us who have been in the experience of the aircraft, when the plane took off farther away from the ground, you will find people, cars, houses become smaller and smaller, until it can not see, then you will feel the person in the universe is so tiny, it may take a microscope just see, God still cares for us, hear our prayer so humble people, in our daily lives, have gratitude for God's creation, retention of our lives, such as our work in the company, sometimes we gave a shit about the company the idea was in charge, do we not care about the creation of the universe, Tai supreme, omnipotent God? We dare go against His commands it?
Two. He is the salvation the Lord: (Psalm one hundred forty-five 18-20) 18 Whosoever shall call upon the LORD, which call upon his sincerity, and the LORD close with them. 19 fear him, and he will fulfill their wish, also will hear their cry and saves them. 20 The Lord preserves all who love him, have to destroy all the wicked.
Three. He is the main judgment (Ecclesiastes 12:14) because it made ​​people, with every secret thing, whether it is good or evil, God will be interrogated. So whatever we do, we must be worthy of God, if we do it, is afraid that people know, then do not do it. God must have known.

Conclusion: If you have a windfall of boiled beef noodle chef can go do something more than Ecclesiastes that America as (healthy, happy at work, charity, love, worship the true God) because I think it will not be a windfall Sudden death befell more than a year, life is not long, when glorify God the things the opportunity to make more, the United States had a good life. We also have 2 250 million, $ 10 million worth of just 3 minutes and 20 years, 30 years, 40 years apportioned to us, we have to avoid doing things than winning chef, Ecclesiastes thought to try to do something beautiful.
If you get all the things of the world that the United States, but lost the biblical book of Ecclesiastes that beautiful thing ..... if (Matthew 16:26) who gains the whole world, and lose his own life, what good is it? Man give in exchange for his soul?
    If you do all the things the Bible that the United States, the world that the United States has lost something, do not regret (II Timothy 4:7-8) 7 that I have fought the good fight of; while running the way I have finished my a; the faith I have kept. 8 Henceforth there is for me the crown of righteousness remain, which the Lord, the righteous judge, will give to me on that day; not only to me, but unto all them also that love his appearing. by Yangshun Ping Author
第一个看法:太劳苦:我们以目前台湾为例,升学压力很大,竞争也很激烈,社会上都会以挂有博士头衔为荣,以自己是某某国立名校毕业为荣。就因为如此,社会上很多人都在学问上不断的钻研,不断的补习。我们都经历过这样的读书,写功课,做报告,考试,不断的循环这样的过程,不管这些对各位来说是过去式或者是未来式还是现在进行式。我们都知道这是一件非常辛苦的事,都要花很多的时间去研读,绞尽脑汁来找寻答案,却不见得可以找到答案。 (传道书八16~17):16 我专心求智慧,要看世上所做的事。 (有昼夜不睡觉,不合眼的。)17 我就看明神一切的作为,知道人查不出日光之下所做的事;任凭他费多少力寻查,都查不出来,就是智慧人虽想知道,也是查不出来。这里有说神的一切的作为,人是无法查出来的,不要说神的作为,就连我们在学校里为了要解一条微积分或者解证明题都会伤透脑筋了,何况是神的作为。但人往往想要凭借着自己的力量,要去追求永无止境的学问。
第二个看法:多烦恼(传道书一16~18):16我心里议论说:“我得了大智慧,胜过我以前在耶路撒冷的众人,而且我心中多经历智慧和知识的事。”17我又专心察明智慧、狂妄和愚昧,乃知这也是捕风。 18 因为多有智慧,就多有愁烦;加增知识的,就加增忧伤。举例:像学化学的,对甲苯或DMF会害怕,学电的人对电磁波也会特别的注意,学医的对细菌及病毒也特别敏感,
一.第一个看法:太劳碌(传道书四5~8):5愚昧人抱着手,吃自己的肉。 6节满了一把,得享安静,强如满了两把,劳碌捕风。有人常说一句话年轻的时候努力加班,拼命兼差,交际应酬,用自己的身体健康换取金钱;等到真的赚到了财富,自己的身体也弄坏了,这时候要把所赚的钱拿来买药吃,自己不断的劳碌什么都没得到,难道不是劳碌捕风吗? 7节我又转念,见日光之下有一件虚空的事:8节有人孤单无二,无子无兄,竟劳碌不息,眼目也不以钱财为足。他说:“我劳劳碌碌,刻苦自己,不享福乐,到底是为谁呢?”这也是虚空,是极重的劳苦。这在我们平时周遭的朋友们,也会看到有些人不停的上班赚钱,也不给自己和家人一起享乐的时间,成为一个赚钱的机器。真的为谁辛苦,为谁忙呢?如果这般劳劳碌碌不能使自己得到喜乐,何不停下脚步,安静的坐在会堂,聆听圣经的话语享受平静安稳喜乐。
二.第二个看法:不知足(传道书五10~12): 10贪爱银子的,不因得银子知足;贪爱丰富的,也不因得利益知足。这也是虚空。我们看社会上很多富豪会因为自己很多钱而说够了吗?举例:曾经在很多年前电视新闻有报导一个在高雄煮牛肉面的厨师,在煮牛肉面的时候煮到一半知道自己中乐透,结果手在抖煮不下去,于是就放下煮面的工具,与店里的客人握手道别。马上辞职去过着他梦寐以求的有钱人生活,他得到七亿的金额是他辛苦一辈子也赚不到的(一次到位),现在一次通通给他,照理说,他好好的过生活,一生行善助人,这笔钱是花不完的,但是他不会因此而满足,将这些钱再拿去投资加油站,及随便挥霍,尽情的享受,结果经过一年多就猝死。 11货物增添,吃的人也增添,物主得什么益处呢?不过眼看而已。 12劳碌的人不拘吃多吃少,睡得香甜;富足人的丰满,却不容他睡觉。
三.第三个看法:归别人(传道书二18~21):18节我恨恶一切的劳碌,就是我在日光之下的劳碌,因为我得来的必留给我以后的人。 19节 那人是智慧是愚昧,谁能知道?他竟要管理我劳碌所得的,就是我在日光之下用智慧所得的。这也是虚空。 20节故此,我转想我在日光之下所劳碌的一切工作,心便绝望。不管你是智慧得来或是幸运得来或是不法得来,最后离开了世上,剩下的也带不走,至于如何处理,谁要来花这些都不是你来决定的。
四.第四个看法:带不回(传道书五13~15):13我见日光之下,有一宗大祸患:就是财主积存资财,反害自己。 14节因遭遇祸患,这些资财就消灭;那人若生了儿子,手里也一无所有。 15节他怎样从母胎赤身而来,也必照样赤身而去;他所劳碌得来的,手中分毫不能带去。
中乐透的牛肉面的厨师,难道不是最好的人生写照吗? (不会因为有了七亿而知足,他花不完的也是留给别人,用不完的也是带不走)。工作穏定,收入穏定就是神的祝福了让我们得了大利。解释:40万元美金一次给?一仟分20年给?那一个对我们有利呢?

二.不满足(传道书一8):8节万事令人厌烦(注:或作“万物满有困乏”),人不能说尽。眼看,看不饱;耳听,听不足。 9节已有的事,后必再有;已行的事,后必再行。日光之下,并无新事。
提摩太前书六6 然而,敬虔加上知足的心便是大利了7 因为我们没有带什么到世上来,也不能带什么去,8只要有衣有食,就当知足。 。
1.健康(传道书五18~19):18我所见为善为美的,就是人在神赐他一生的日子吃喝,享受日光之下劳碌得来的好处,因为这是他的分。 19节神赐人资财丰富,使他能以吃用,能取自己的分,在他劳碌中喜乐,这乃是神的恩赐。 。 。有人身体不好禁不起劳碌,或者没有食欲,所以可以劳碌又可以吃的下就是健康了。我们自己想一想,我们每天这么辛苦的工作,下班后可以和自己心爱的人快快乐乐,健健康康的享用一顿饭,就是很大的幸福了。
一.在劳碌中吃喝:传道书二24人莫强如吃喝,且在劳碌中享福,我看这也是出于神的手。传道书三13 并且人人吃喝,在他一切劳碌中享福,这也是神的恩赐。我们每天有工作在忙碌,在忙完一天之后享受劳碌所得的,这是神所喜悦的。而不是世人所说的,如果我们有几仟万,那我们就可以整天不用工作,到处游山玩水,尽情的享乐,这跟刚刚所说的中奖的牛肉面厨师,有什么两样呢?你会羡慕他刚开始的中奖吗?你会接受他这样的结局吗?所以整天不用工作,到处游山玩水,尽情的享乐,这不是神所喜悦的。
一.人生以服务为目的(参考:马可福音十42~45)可十43只是在你们中间,不是这样。你们中间,谁愿为大,就必作你们的用人;44在你们中间,谁愿为首,就必作众人的仆人。 45因为人子来,并不是要受人的服事,乃是要服事人,并且要舍命作多人的赎价。 ”
二.一切都是为主(罗马书十四7~9)7节我们没有一个人为自己活,也没有一个人为自己死。 8节我们若活着,是为主而活;若死了,是为主而死。所以我们或活或死,总是主的人。 9节因此基督死了,又活了,为要作死人并活人的主。今天我们不管是从事什么工作当我们表明我们是基督徒时,别人都会注意我们的行为,做的好是让主得荣耀,做不好只会让主蒙羞。
3.行善(传道书三12) 我知道世人,莫强如终身喜乐行善。
二.属灵:传福音(传道书十一6~7)。像保罗(哥林多前书九22~23)22向软弱的人,我就作软弱的人,为要得软弱的人;向什么样的人,我就作什么样的人。无论如何总要救些人。 23节凡我所行的,都是为福音的缘故,为要与人同得这福音的好处。
雅各书二13 因为那不怜悯人的,也要受无怜悯的审判,怜悯原是向审判夸胜。我们在世不管是属肉的行善或是属灵的行善,在当下看来好像是付出,事实上在将来审判台前,对自己的受益最大。
5.敬神(传道书十二13)这些事都已听见了,总意就是敬畏神,谨守他的诫命,这是人所当尽的本分(注:或作“这是众人的本分” )。
一.祂是造物主:传道书十二1 你趁着年幼,衰败的日子尚未来到,就是你所说“我毫无喜乐”的那些年日未曾临近之先,当记念造你的主!罗马书一20 自从造天地以来,神的永能和神性是明明可知的,虽是眼不能见,但借着所造之物就可以晓得,叫人无可推诿。 。 。天地万物都是祂所造,我们在整个​​宇宙天地之间,是很渺小的,渺小到就有如大海中的一小汤匙,我们大部份的人都有坐过飞机的经验,当飞机升空离地面越来越远的时候,你会发现人,车子,房子变得越来越小,直到完全看不到,此时你会感觉到人在宇宙中是多么微小,小到可能要用显微镜才看得到, 神依然看顾我们,垂听我们如此卑微的人的祷告,我们在日常生活中,都要感念神的创造,保留我们的生命,比如我们在公司上班,有时我们尚且会在乎公司里主管的想法,难道我们不用在乎创造宇宙万物,至高至大,无所不能的神吗?祂的命令我们岂敢违背呢?
二.祂是拯救主:(诗篇一四五篇18~20)18节凡求告耶和华的,就是诚心求告他的,耶和华便与他们相近。 19节敬畏他的,他必成就他们的心愿,也必听他们的呼求,拯救他们。 20节耶和华保护一切爱他的人,却要灭绝一切的恶人。
三.祂是审判主(传道书十二14)因为人所做的事,连一切隐藏的事,无论是善是恶,神都必审问。所以我们不论做什么事,都要对得起神,如果我们做的这件事,是怕别人知道的,那就不要做。因为 神一定知道。

如果得到一切世人以为美的事,却失去了圣经传道书以为美的事…..(马太福音十六26) 人若赚得全世界,赔上自己的生命,有什么益处呢?人还能拿什么换生命呢?
   如果做到一切圣经以为美的事,却失去了世人以为美的事,也不会遗憾(提摩太后书四7~8)7那美好的仗我已经打过了;当跑的路我已经跑尽了;所信的道我已经守住了。 8节从此以后,有公义的冠冕为我存留,就是按着公义审判的主到了那日要赐给我的;不但赐给我,也赐给凡爱慕他显现的人。

