一個人為什麼會心情不好呢?在我認為是想法造成的,同樣一件事情發生在兩個人的身上,但是兩個人的想法不同,所表現出來的結果也不同.比如一個學問比較好,地位比較高,自尊心也比較強,和一個沒什麼學問,地位比較卑微,這兩個人同時被一個人駡白痴.那請問那一個人心情比較難受呢?照常理來說,應該是前者----學問比較好的那個人.為什麼呢?因為想法不一樣,以致於感受也不一樣.聖經 箴言 第四章 第23節 你要保守你心,勝過保守一切(註:或作“你要切切保守你心”),因為一生的果效,是由心發出。外在的環境,感受是不好的,但是心情,思想是正面的,那麼他的情緒是不會受到影響的.我們的內心要常常接觸光,如此心就會常常喜樂.舉例:如果有準備兩桌豐盛的大餐,一桌放在光線充足的房間裏,另一桌放在沒有燈光,黑暗的大飯店裏.試想兩桌,哪一桌心情會愉快呢?哪一桌吃得比較容易消化呢?在光線充足的房間裏就好像心中是開朗,陽光,笑容的狀態.在黑暗的大飯店裏就好像心中是憂鬱的,是黑暗.常常保持積極正面樂觀的態度,就能吸引許多正面的事物來到,財富,尊榮,地位,就很自然被吸引而來了.
Mood Story 1
Why would a person feel bad? In my opinion, the idea caused by the same thing happen in two people who, but two different people's ideas, as demonstrated by the results are different. For example, a better knowledge of the status of relatively high self-esteem is also relatively strong, and a little knowledge, relatively lowly status, the two men while being an idiot scolded. Then ask that person feel more uncomfortable it? To stick, it should be the former ---- learned better man. Why? Because the idea is not the same, so that the feeling is not the same. Bible Proverbs Chapter IV Section 23, guard your heart, everything is better than conservative (Note: or as "You have to honestly guard your heart"), because the effective life of the fruit, is issued by the heart. External environment, feeling bad, but the mood, thoughts are positive, then his mood is not affected. Often touch our hearts to the light, so the heart will rejoice. Example: If you have a hearty meal prepared two tables, one table in a well-lit room, no lights on another table, a large hotel in the dark. Imagine two tables, which will be a pleasant mood table it? Which is easier to digest table to eat it? In a well-lit room, as if mind is cheerful, sunshine state, smile. Large restaurant in the dark as if mind is melancholy, dark. Often remain positive and optimistic attitude, able to attract a lot of positive things came, wealth, honor, status, it is natural to be attracted by it.