2014年6月22日 星期日

寬恕人的過失------Forgive mistakes

我們平常講的話,教導別人的話,勸勉別人的話,不久都會回到我們自己身上。所以我們所講的每一句話,所要求的每一件事,到最後都會成為要求我們自己的標準。所以有聖經箴言 十九章11節,有一句話說"寬恕人的過失,便是自己的榮耀"。當別人得罪我們的時候,向我們道歉時,請求我們原諒時,我們要能夠說出"算了,沒關係"是一件很不簡單的事。要有很大的胸懷。嚴以律己,寬以待人,就成為我們一個時時提醒自己的座右銘。

We usually talk about it, teach others, then exhorted the words of others, and soon will be back to our own body. So we are talking about every word, every thing required, to the final requirements will become our own standards. So the Bible Proverbs chapter nineteen 11, there is a saying that "to overlook an offense, it is his glory." When others offend us, when we apologize to request that we forgive, we should be able to say, "Well, okay," is a very simple matter. Have a great mind. Exercise self-discipline, tolerant of others, has become a constant reminder of our own motto. 
A successful person will tell us to have a positive, positive thinking, as he issued a positive, positive thoughts, reflected back on him is also positive. Into a good cycle, and this cycle is a good force multiplier in the loop. If you have evil thoughts join, there will be reduction in force. So the power of good in the loop, but it finally was brought peace, joy, wealth, Honor.

